Mama's Going on Long Last!
I adore my husband....I honestly do. Now that he's begun working from home on Friday, I get to sleep in on Fridays as well as my mandatory Saturdays and Sundays. He takes care of all the dog/cat/brewing coffee responsibilities and I can wake at my leisure and shuffle to the warm coffee pot, uninterupted by Elsie's (german sheperd) and Petunia's (ferocious feline) demands.
One area where my husband and I don't see eye-to-eye is vacations. He's a home-body and although I love being at home....once in a while, I need to get away. When we dated (for 2 years) we went away to a great town on the Maine coast several times. However, in the 3.5+ years we've been married, we've only gone away once since our honeymoon. Granted, our honeymoon was fantastic, but a once-in-a-lifetime vacation should be! The one time we went away since was a 2 night stay in that Maine town (for which we have a soft spot). We had a horrible time, since I resented having to drag him there, and he wasn't too fond of the situation either. We slept horribly, we didn't feel well, and even the weather was against us.
My wise neighbor who has been married for over 30+ years longer than I have finally sat me down and said that if I wanted to vacation, I needed to make plans and invite my husband. If he wasn't game, invite someone else. She's a wise woman. I recently went away to Cape Cod with some of my relatives and will be going away to Mystic, CT later this summer with my (also pregnant) college roommate. it'll be our last big hurrah before the babies come...yet we'll still be close enough to high-tail it to the hospital if need be. I get what my neighbor is saying...if I need to vacation, I need to make plans and not depend on my husband. My neighbor also explained that she's noticed that women don't relax in their home the way men can. Her theory: men can switch gears more easily to the "relax mode." I, on the other hand, always have a load of wash going, or things to clean/organize. Getting away helps me get rid of that.
For the past 2 years, my husband's excuse to NOT vacation was our dog. We literally were researching dog-friendly cottages where we could include Elsie in our vacation this summer, when we learned we were expecting. (Yay!) My husband's take: "With the baby coming, maybe we should just put the vacation money towards the baby...." UGH.....he has every excuse in the book NOT to vacation. I was so elated to be expecting (and still am) that I just didn't give a rat's ass about vacationing...I simply let it go.
Yesterday my husband sent me and email with a link to this lovely seaside resort (in that same Maine town) with dog accomodations. I had no idea that such a nice place would even accept pets. We'll be going for 3 nights in the near future! I'm elated! Mama needs a vacation!
One area where my husband and I don't see eye-to-eye is vacations. He's a home-body and although I love being at home....once in a while, I need to get away. When we dated (for 2 years) we went away to a great town on the Maine coast several times. However, in the 3.5+ years we've been married, we've only gone away once since our honeymoon. Granted, our honeymoon was fantastic, but a once-in-a-lifetime vacation should be! The one time we went away since was a 2 night stay in that Maine town (for which we have a soft spot). We had a horrible time, since I resented having to drag him there, and he wasn't too fond of the situation either. We slept horribly, we didn't feel well, and even the weather was against us.
My wise neighbor who has been married for over 30+ years longer than I have finally sat me down and said that if I wanted to vacation, I needed to make plans and invite my husband. If he wasn't game, invite someone else. She's a wise woman. I recently went away to Cape Cod with some of my relatives and will be going away to Mystic, CT later this summer with my (also pregnant) college roommate. it'll be our last big hurrah before the babies come...yet we'll still be close enough to high-tail it to the hospital if need be. I get what my neighbor is saying...if I need to vacation, I need to make plans and not depend on my husband. My neighbor also explained that she's noticed that women don't relax in their home the way men can. Her theory: men can switch gears more easily to the "relax mode." I, on the other hand, always have a load of wash going, or things to clean/organize. Getting away helps me get rid of that.
For the past 2 years, my husband's excuse to NOT vacation was our dog. We literally were researching dog-friendly cottages where we could include Elsie in our vacation this summer, when we learned we were expecting. (Yay!) My husband's take: "With the baby coming, maybe we should just put the vacation money towards the baby...." UGH.....he has every excuse in the book NOT to vacation. I was so elated to be expecting (and still am) that I just didn't give a rat's ass about vacationing...I simply let it go.
Yesterday my husband sent me and email with a link to this lovely seaside resort (in that same Maine town) with dog accomodations. I had no idea that such a nice place would even accept pets. We'll be going for 3 nights in the near future! I'm elated! Mama needs a vacation!
Thats seems awesome!! Happy he is getting the hint about what you need also. I dont usually take my hubby either but thats more cause he is in the army and can never take leave so I just take the kids with my parents or my best friends. Already been to San ANtonio for a few days with Sea World and site seeing and went to Six Flags this past weekend. Sometimes if we want fun we have to make it!! Good for you!! Happy he did all the searching and could suprise you so well!!
Damayin 12-3-93
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Jarrid 10-12-98
Hayvann 11-22-09
Kerstyn 4-2-11
Kinzy 4-2-11
Oh Jumping Beans!!!! I want a vacation too. I'm so jealous, but glad you get to go. DH is kinda like that except he only wants to go on these way far off vacations that cost way too much money. I think it's just an elaborate plan that he has so he can stay home a play video games.hehe.
Have a great time!!!!
I live here in Maine about 45 minutes from the coast (are we talking Bar Harbor? Cause it's amazing there!) and my husband and I always stay at cottages where we can bring our Springer Spaniel. It really is a lot of fun and very affordable at some of these cute little spots. We go every year on our anniversary, the first was before surgery/our honeymoon, the second, I was 3 weeks out from my RNY and we still went with doggie too, and the third we brought the baby and the dog with us! It IS doable, and if he won't go, I agree... take that much needed vacation anyways! We Mainahs love to have you"> src="" alt="pregnancy week by week" border="0" />
That was sweet that he did the research and planned it for you. You deserve a vacation before the baby arrives.
MY DH likes to travel...until he starts looking at the expense of traveling...then he starts dragging his heels. We did get a good deal in February for a trip to Singapore...$450 r/t aifare for all three of us (not each), plus I found a deal on a hotel in Singapore - $335 for three days, for a triple room (which is a good price in Singapore, considering most hotels are $200+ per night). I may be going to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a week later this month to help train the new person there...and DH will come along...and since he'd be staying in my hotel room, the only expense for him would be airfare and meals. DS will stay at home w/the housekeeper (he's 14...told me he COULD stay by himself...NOT). Even though I would be working during the day...we can explore in the evenings when it's cooler (it's hotter there than in Jakarta...and we're 90 degrees 365 days a year).
Enjoy your trip.
MY DH likes to travel...until he starts looking at the expense of traveling...then he starts dragging his heels. We did get a good deal in February for a trip to Singapore...$450 r/t aifare for all three of us (not each), plus I found a deal on a hotel in Singapore - $335 for three days, for a triple room (which is a good price in Singapore, considering most hotels are $200+ per night). I may be going to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a week later this month to help train the new person there...and DH will come along...and since he'd be staying in my hotel room, the only expense for him would be airfare and meals. DS will stay at home w/the housekeeper (he's 14...told me he COULD stay by himself...NOT). Even though I would be working during the day...we can explore in the evenings when it's cooler (it's hotter there than in Jakarta...and we're 90 degrees 365 days a year).
Enjoy your trip.
January 2008,
July 2008
December 2008
July 2009
September 2010
July 2011
Mom to Khaled